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Services at the Hope Medical∙Dental Clinic, Inc., are FREE to UNINSURED adults
18 years and older living in Delaware with incomes at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.
Patient Application Requirements
COMPLETED applications must be returned with ALL
supporting documents BEFORE an appointment can be made.
Exceptions differ between Medical and Dental eligibility
Must live in Delaware
Must have income at or below 300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines
Please bring the following documents to complete your application:
Photo ID
Proof of Delaware residency
Utility bill, phone bill, lease agreement with your name
If you live in a shelter, letter from shelter confirming you live there.
Proof of income (1 month's worth of all income)
Pay stubs, SNAP benefits, SSI benefits, unemployment benefits
If you have no income, bring your most recent federal tax return
Medicaid denial letter
If you are unemployed, we will accept any of the following that applies to you:
Current social security benefits letter
Retirement/pension letter
Veterans benefit letter
Unemployment statement
Child support for each child
TANF letter
DHHS statement
Other household income
If you are living with someone who is taking care of your necessities, that individual must sign the last page of the application and provide a bill with his/her name and address.
Gentle Reminders
Please call 24 hours in advance or as soon as you know you cannot make your appointment. We will gladly help you reschedule.
You will be ineligible for services for 12 months if you have 3 no-call-no-shows.
As a courtesy to our volunteer providers, call us if you are running late. If you need assistance with transportation, let us know! We are here to help you!
* Eligibility differs for the Medical and Dental Clinics.
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